When shopping online, customers aren’t able to touch your merchandise. Without the ability to hold, feel, squeeze or otherwise handle the items they’re interested in, potential customers have only images to interact with. Displaying still pictures of your products cannot compete with clients being able to hold it in their hands, but showing a 360º-view is considered as the “next best thing” that many reputable companies are moving towards. This is a graphic tool that not only shows your product from every angle, it also creates an interaction with your online visitors. In that respect a good 360º view nearly eliminates the most significant edge physical stores have over your online store.
Use Mouse to Rotate
We can take care of your 360 degree rotating images. The idea of visualizing your products in 360 degree photography can be a much more efficient way to sell your products because the customer can look in all directions and see exactly what they are buying. This is specially true for products with complex features or geometry. 360º view product photography requires special equipment and a great deal of preparation in order to get the right shots.